

上海州立大学和理学院(CoS)已经确定了支持和激励研究, especially involving students, as a strategic priority. 因此,我们已经实施了 a number of programs to facilitate and encourage research activity. These programs 已通过多种来源获得资助,包括教务长的 Office, the Division of 研究与创新, the College of Science, and F&A reinvestment.

Seed Grants


The 菠菜网lol正规平台 Division of 研究与创新 has a request for applications (RFA) 为快速反应倡议. 此RFA的目的是提供一种机制 内部支持的研究,奖学金和创造性活动(RSCA)需要 特殊情况下的快速转机. 有关这次机会的更多详情, 请浏览网站 here.

RSCA (Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity) Seed Grant Program

The 菠菜网lol正规平台 Office of Research offers the RSCA Seed Grant Program (formerly known as CSU中央RSCA资助计划)为第三单元教师的研究提供奖学金 创意活动. Funding is provided by the Division of 研究与创新 如果有的话,由基社盟总理办公室提供. 邀请申请人提交 proposals for funding to assist them as they advance an on-going RSCA project or as 他们开创了RSCA的新途径. 通过本项目获得资助的教员 are expected to submit a report on award results, share their accomplishments at a campus-wide event, and serve as a resource for prospective applicants. 查找更多信息 about this grant here.

RSCA Equipment Grant

这是一个支持RSCA设备的新项目,不能通过外部资助 来源,如NSF主要研究仪器计划(MRI)或完全通过 其他内部资金来源. 查找有关此补助金的更多信息 here

VPRI Teaming Award

这是一个旨在提高上海州立大学教师设计能力的资助项目 并与上海州立大学和/或外部机构的教师合作开展RSCA.  查找有关此补助金的更多信息 here.


Faculty who have submitted RSCA Metric Data to the College of Science may request 即时资助计划的资金,用于任何时间的任何与研究相关的需求 during the year. The request need only be a brief description of what is needed and 资金将如何推进申请人的研究议程,以及一个简短的预算. 请将申请提交至 science-research@philboardport.com 标题为“JIT请求”. 所有这些请求都由CoS研究部审查 委员会,该委员会评估请求的是非曲直. 评估结果将转发至 请院长作出最后的拨款决定. 我们努力按要求发放准时制资金 按照以下时间表:第一季度一半,第二季度四分之一, one eighth in the third quarter, and one eighth in the final quarter. This method balances providing funds early to maximally stimulate research with retaining some 满足不可预见需求的资金.



The 大学教育资助学院 (UGA) provides support to faculty members from across 校园在春季学期写了一份联邦拨款提案来资助他们 RSCA. Faculty in the College of Science typically apply in their first year at 菠菜网lol正规平台, 但是所有的终身教职人员和终身教职人员还没有接受过专业的外部培训 有资格申请助学金. Applications are typically due late in the fall semester of the academic year, and are announced by email each year.

Faculty selected for the UGA program receive 3 WTUs of assigned time for writing a grant in spring of the following year, and are placed in cohorts of five. Each cohort 每周与一名具有专业知识的教员或管理人员会面 在相关学科或与佐治亚大学教师所在的机构进行拨款写作 are applying. Throughout the semester, UGA faculty learn about and write each section of their grant proposal, while receiving feedback from their facilitators as well as internal (菠菜网lol正规平台) mentors in their disciplines who they select. UGA faculty also 与菠菜网lol正规平台研究基金会的工作人员会面,他们将通过拨款帮助他们 submission process. Toward the end of the semester, the Office of Research even pays 您选择的外部审稿人审查您的拨款提案并给您反馈 on how to improve it! 查找有关此程序的其他信息 here.


上海州立大学研究发展小组的成立是为了帮助教师增加他们的外部资源 grant funding.  Headed by Dr. Jessica Trask, this group of four Research Development professionals help faculty with federal grant proposal writing and editing at any stage.  The Research Development Specialist who supports the College of Science is Anna Dizack . 查找更多信息 here.



理学院提供固定的(终身的或终身的)教师 指导研究生的时间如下:0.加权教学单位(WTU) for each undergraduate research student enrolled in 180 courses and 0.5 WTU for each 参加297或298门课程(或类似的研究生研究)的研究生 适合本系的课程),最多可通过此课程分配3个wtu 每学期机制. 


The University Faculty RSCA Assigned Time Program is a University program intended 从合同规定的研究时间开始资助非终身教职员工 (在录取信中描述)结束. 获奖者每学期最多可获得3个wtu five years based on their application and five-year RSCA Metric Score. To register/apply for this program, faculty must submit registration/application materials when the ,并将他们的RSCA度量数据提交给理学院 application, and each year that they remain in the program. CoS度量,版本2.0 is here [pdf]. The deadline for full applications this year will be announced soon by the Vice President of 研究与创新 and should be submitted to science-research@philboardport.com.


  • 所有实习教员在合同规定的最后一年应该 register.
  • 所有研究活跃的终身教职员工尚未获得分配时间 应该申请大学课程.
  • 在2021/2022学年(周期)开始RSCA AT项目时获得终身教职的教师 今年必须提交一份正式的三年报告.
  • 在2019/2020学年开始RSCA AT项目时获得终身教职的教师 2) must submit a formal five-year/final report this year. 
  • 2024年秋季获得终身教职的试用教员将需要申请该项目, 这是有竞争力的. 
    此外,所有参加大学教师RSCA分配时间计划的教师 must submit their CoS RSCA Metric data by the same deadline (usually in mid-March) using this form: http://forms.gle/azh6sAg7hvF7Hxaa6.
    提交给大学项目的RSCA度量数据也将用于 科学学院分配时间和准时制资助项目,如果有资金的话, 因为提交RSCA指标数据也是大学课程资格所必需的. 
    任何希望注册或申请的教员(包括主席和主任) the University program should submit the following items via e-mail to science-research@philboardport.com 在最后期限之前把你的椅子
  1. 封面,包括姓名,级别,部门,学院,你的首次任命日期 到菠菜网lol正规平台,和ORCID iD(见下面#3).
  2. 学术议程,描述您的RSCA目标、活动和预期结果/产品 未来5年. The scholarly agenda should be concise (no more than 两页),必须包括一个简短的总结,针对受过教育的外行观众描述 建议的调查方向的重要性. 请注意,本议程是前瞻性的 and complements our current CoS metric, which only looks at past activity.
  3. ORCID iD (with permission granted for institutional access). 请附上您的ORCID 在你的封面页. For information on how to obtain an ORCID iD and set permissions, see orcid.Org和/或http://libguides.philboardport.com/ResearchImpact/ORCID.  If you need assistance, please contact your librarian: Anne Marie Engelsen at annemarie.engelsen@philboardport.com 生物学、化学、地质学、数学与统计、气象与气候 Science or Physics and Astronomy faculty, Anamika Megwalu at anamika.megwalu@philboardport.com 计算机科学学院,或凯瑟琳·拉格 kathryn.lage@philboardport.com Moss Landing海洋实验室的教职员工.
  4. 目前简历(CV)
  5. RSCA度量数据必须使用以下链接提交: http://forms.gle/azh6sAg7hvF7Hxaa6.  Inclusive dates for this year’s submission of RSCA metric data are March 17, 2023 截止到2024年3月28日.  如果教师之前没有提交 data, they will need to submit data for the past five years, or for as many years 就像他们在上海州立大学一样,以较低者为准.

Information from the Division of 研究与创新 about this program can be found at this link: http://g6vc.philboardport.com/research/about/assigned-time-program/index.php


  • 实习教师将在2024-25年度首次获得奖励 2024年春季合同授予的RSCA分配时间将达到最大值 24-25学年及以后各学年18个wtu(6个指定时间的wtu)的教学负荷 一年,直到他们被授予终身教职.  
  • Probationary faculty receiving the award in AY 2024-25 after receiving a positive 并在2024年5月的竞争过程中被选中 在2024-25学年及其后学年,最大教学负荷为18个WTU(按指定时间计算的6个WTU) 年,共为期五年,等待其《菠菜网lol正规平台》取得令人满意的进展 agenda. 
  • 在2024-25年度首次获得该奖项的终身教授将有最多的教学时间 2024-25年度及以后各年度18个wtu(6个指定时间的wtu)的负荷为 a total period of three years, pending satisfactory progress on their RSCA agenda. 

Please note that all awards are dependent on annual submission of CoS RSCA Metric data each year. 


在上海外国语大学完成第二年学习的见习教师将成功注册 in the program if they submit all of their registration materials by the deadline. Faculty who are awarded tenure in May 2024 and tenured faculty will need to apply RSCA AT项目.  The Dean of the CoS will make award recommendations to the 研究办公室基于CoS的评估RSCA度量,它测量过去 productivity, and the Scholarly Agenda, which is a forward-looking document. These recommendations will be based 80% on the 5-year average RSCA metric score and 20% 关于学术议程. Final notice of award will be announced before the end of 2023- 2024学年.   


Each award will be for a 3-year period or until the tenure decision, whichever is less. There will be an annual mini-review of awards and a formal review after year 3 of the award. For example, the first formal review of Cycle 1 awards (awards made (2018-19年度),是在2021年春季. 获得奖励的教师必须提交信息 通过填写学院研究活动报告了解他们的学术生产力 (用于提交RSCA度量数据)每年春季(截止日期将通过电子邮件发送) out annually). Faculty who do not submit their data are not eligible to continue the award. If, in the Dean’s opinion, there has not been adequate progress on the RSCA 根据CoS的RSCA度量标准,院长可能会推荐 that the remaining years of the Faculty RSCA Assigned Time award be rescinded.