Last Updated: November 30, 2022

San José State University respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it 在适用的州和联邦法律的范围内,通过我们的合规 with our privacy policies and this 隐私 Notice.

This Notice applies to the 信息 that we collect when you visit the 菠菜网lol正规平台's main 网站 and other websites that we own or control, and on which we have linked or referred to this Notice (together, the "网站"). This Notice describes how this 信息 is collected, processed, maintained, protected, and disclosed. Unless otherwise indicated on a specific Site, the California 州立大学是根据本通知收集的所有信息的数据控制人. Contact 信息 for the CSU is listed at the end of this Notice.

This Notice does not apply to 信息 collected from or about current or former 雇员、承包商、志愿者和其他在菠菜网lol正规平台工作的员工 or working relationship with 菠菜网lol正规平台.

Except as specifically described, our 网站 are operated in accordance with the laws of the United States. 请 read this Notice carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your 信息 and how we will treat it. This Notice reflects the University's current practices and may change from time to time, so please check the Notice periodically for updates.

Personal Information we collect and process

在本通知中,“个人信息”是指任何识别或描述的信息 本网站的个人用户,包括但不限于,用户的姓名、社交信息 security number, physical description, address, teleph一个 number, education, financial matters, medical or employment history, password, email address, and 信息 that reveals any network location or identity. If you are located in the European Economic Area (EEA), "personal 信息" includes all personal data as defined under EEA 法律(包括对“敏感个人信息”的加强保护) under those laws).

我们仅在法律允许的范围内收集用户的个人信息,并对收集进行限制 对个人信息的限制是与完成合法目的相关和必要的 of the University. We collect personal 信息 (and sensitive personal 信息) that you send to the CSU, or permit us to obtain from third parties, for purposes relevant to CSU operations in pursuit of our academic mission. Examples include 信息 学生入学(包括经济援助信息),就业,住房所需 and dining services, online educational programs, research, health services, donor relations, visa application processing, event registration, parking services, IT usage 以及支持服务、图书馆使用、书店运营和网站帐户注册. Our legal basis for processing most of this 信息 is to perform a task in the public interest or in fulfillment of CSU official functions, including those set out in the California 教育 Code and/or Title V of the California Code of Regulations, or under applicable federal law. Other legal bases for processing 信息 include processing necessary for contract (e.g.,处理 parking permit payments), for legitimate interests (e.g., to send requested 信息) or consent (e.g.,处理 certain sensitive personal 信息).

User-Provided Information

You may be required to provide personal 信息 to access or use certain parts of our 网站, or features of our 网站 or services, including without limitation, 当您申请或注册我们的一个校园或项目时,请订阅时事通讯 or email list, make a purchase or donation, fill out a form, participate in any of our programs, special events or promotions, contact us with a comment, question or complaint, etc. If you do not provide the requested personal 信息, you may 不能访问或使用我们的网站或服务的功能,其中这些信息 请求.

Depending upon the nature of the transaction, the personal 信息 that you may provide may include: contact 信息 (name, home or mailing address, teleph一个 number, social media username/handle, mobile ph一个 and/or email address, etc.); academic area or interest; financial 信息 (financial aid application history, payment 历史,社保号,护照号,信用卡号,捐款来源 and amount, etc.); health record 信息 (medical record number), allergies, past medical history, family history, current medications, current medical conditions) demographic 信息 (age, birthdate, marital status, income, etc.); and profile 信息 (admissions date, graduation date, alumni status, student identification number, username, password, relationship to the University, etc.).

Emails and Social Media 网站

如果您通过电子邮件、信件或社交媒体与我们通信,我们可能会保留内容 您的通信或社交媒体帖子,电子邮件或社交媒体帐户地址 from which it is sent, and our response. We collect 信息 automatically using technology when you visit our 网站 or social media pages or when you open 一个 of our emails as described in this Notice.

的 specific personal 信息 (and sensitive personal 信息) we collect, why we collect it, and our legal basis for processing it, is periodically reassessed in applicable data process flow assessments or Data Protection Impact Assessments, 是相关的.

限制收集和保护是加州州立大学的政策 the privacy of personal 信息 collected or maintained by the University. 的 高校的信息管理实践符合信息化的要求 Practices Act of 1977 (Civil Code Section 1798, .), the Public Records Act (California Government Code Section 6250, .), California Government Code Section 11015.5, the Family 教育al Rights and 隐私 Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), and other applicable laws pertaining to 信息 privacy. In the event of a conflict between this Notice 以及《菠菜网lol正规平台》、《菠菜网lol正规平台》、《菠菜网lol正规平台》或其他相关法律 the disclosure of University records, the applicable law will control.

大学通过网站获取的任何信息均受上述限制 set forth in the Information Practices Act. 的 University will not distribute or share electronically collected personal 信息 (as defined in subdivision (d) of California Government Code Section 11015.5) about users to any third party without the permission of the user, except in narrow circumstances set forth in this Notice. 的 University will not sell any electronically collected personal 信息 to any third party. Such electronically-collected personal 信息 is exempt from requests made pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 6250) of Division 7 of Title 1).

How we use the 信息 we collect

We use 信息 that we collect about you or that you provide to us, including any personal 信息:

  • To provide you with 信息 that you request from us.
  • To process application, registration and enrollment requests when you apply, register or enroll for our campuses, events, programs or services, or otherwise administer your participation in our events, programs or services, including (without limitation) study abroad and distance learning, financial aid, housing and dining.
  • To collect and process donations, gifts and donor 信息.
  • To process service requests from students, staff, faculty, and other members of the campus community, including the facilitation of parking permit and identification 卡的请求.
  • To process registration for sports, cultural, educational, and other university events.
  • To respond to your questions, requests, comments or complaints and determine your satisfaction with our events, programs and services.
  • To operate, maintain, and provide to you the features, services, and functionality 保护网站及其内容,并监控和改善我们的网站和用户体验.
  • To provide 信息 about our University and send you related 信息 including 小册子和其他大学材料,校园和科罗拉多州立大学的lol菠菜网正规平台,学术通知,更新, 安全警报、特别优惠、确认以及支持和管理消息.
  • To notify you about changes to our 网站 or any services we offer or provide through it.
  • To compare and review your personal 信息 for errors, omissions and accuracy.
  • To prevent, detect or investigate any fraudulent, abusive or illegal act.
  • To allow you to participate in interactive features on our 网站.
  • In any other way we may describe when you provide the 信息.
  • For any other purpose with your consent.

We may also use your personal 信息 for operational and other lawful purposes such as security, analytics, operations, fraud detection and prevention, reporting, making back-ups and legal compliance.

We use cookies, clear gifs, and log file 信息 to: (a) remember 信息 so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the 网站; (b) monitor the effectiveness of our 网站 and services; (c) monitor aggregate metrics such as the total number of visitors and traffic; (d) diagnose or fix technology problems reported by our users or engineers that are associated with the IP addresses controlled by a specific web company or ISP; and (e) help you efficiently access 信息.

At the time we collect personal 信息, we strive to tell users about the purpose for which the 信息 is collected as well as the general or specific uses that we will make of that 信息.

International transfer of personal 信息

美国以外的用户提供给我们的个人信息可能会被转移 to other countries such as the United States, where data protection laws may differ from those of your home country. By providing us with your 信息, you acknowledge that your personal 信息 may be transferred to the United States and processed on servers within the United States. However, all reasonable steps will be taken to protect your privacy in accordance with applicable data protection laws.


Any personal 信息 or content you voluntarily disclose for posting to the 网站 (for instance, any content you post) ("用户内容") becomes available to the public via the 网站. 用户内容 includes, but is not limited to, comments, photos, videos, etc. If you remove 用户内容, copies may remain viewable in cached and archived pages or if other users have copied or stored your 用户内容.

We reserve the right to monitor the 用户内容 you post on the 网站 and to remove any 用户内容 for any reason or no reason including, without limitation, if in our sole opinion, such material violates, or may violate, any applicable law, or to protect or defend our rights or those of any third party. We also reserve the right to remove 用户内容 upon the request of any third party.

Cookie Policy

Cookies Information

当您访问本网站时,我们可能会发送一个或多个cookie -一个小文本文件,其中包含 a string of alphanumeric characters – to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser and lets us help you log in faster and enhance your navigation through the 网站. A cookie does not collect personal 信息 about you. We use both session cookies and persistent cookies. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive after you close your browser. Persistent cookies may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the 网站. Persistent cookies can be removed by following your web browser's 方向. A session cookie is temporary and disappears after you close your browser. You can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features of the 网站 or services may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled.

Google Analytics

We use a tool called "Google Analytics," a web analytics service provided by Google, 公司. to collect 信息 about use of the 网站. Google Analytics collects 信息 such as how often users visit our 网站, what pages are visited, and what other sites were visited prior to coming to our 网站. We use the 信息 we get from Google Analytics only to improve the 网站. Google Analytics collects only the IP address 在您访问本网站之日分配给您的,而不是您的姓名或其他标识 信息. Google Analytics will also collect contextual 信息, such as type of web browser, type of operating system, browser resolution, and network location, 但是,我们不会合并通过使用谷歌分析收集的信息 with personally identifiable 信息. Although Google Analytics plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit the 网站, the cookie cannot be used by any一个 but Google. Google's ability to use and share 信息 collected by Google Analytics about your visits to the 网站 is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of UseGoogle 隐私 Policy. You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to the 网站 by disabling cookies on your browser, however, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of the 网站.

Log File Information

Log file 信息 is automatically reported by your browser each time you access 一个网页. When you register with or view our 网站, our servers automatically record certain 信息 that your web browser sends whenever you visit any website. 这些 服务器日志可能包括您的网络请求、互联网协议地址等信息 or other device identifiers, browser 信息, Internet Service Provider, operating system, location, date/time stamp, clickstream data, referring/exit pages and URLs, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed, and other such 信息.

Clear Gifs Information

When you use the 网站, we may employ clear gifs (also known as web beacons) which are used to track the online usage patterns of our users anonymously. 没有个人 信息 is collected using these clear gifs. In addition, we may also use clear 发送给我们用户的基于html的电子邮件中的gif,以跟踪收件人打开了哪些电子邮件.

California Do Not Track Disclosures

California 业务 & Professions Code Section 22575(b) (as amended effective January (2014年1月1日)规定,加州居民有权知道网站运营商如何 responds to "Do Not Track" (DNT) browser settings. DNT is a feature offered by some browsers which, when enabled, sends a signal to websites to request that your browsing 是否没有被第三方广告网络、社交网络和分析公司跟踪. We do not engage in the collection of personally identifiable 信息 about users' online activities over time and across third party websites when an individual uses our 网站 和refore do not respond to DNT signals.


How we share your 信息

We share your 信息 internally at the CSU to facilitate and manage the purposes listed above, including with third parties whom the University engages to process your personal 信息 on our behalf for the purposes stated above (such as vendors who help the University with our marketing, application processing, financial aid or payment processing, education management, and web hosting). 的 University may 与政府和执法机构或监管机构分享您的个人数据 (1)遵守法律程序、传票、命令或其他法律或监管要求 applicable to us; (2) to enforce our terms of use or other policies; or (3) to pursue available legal remedies or defend against legal claims. We may also share your personal 信息 with a third party as requested by you if permitted by this and other University policies and applicable laws and regulations. We will not distribute or share any electronically collected personal 信息 (as defined in subdivision (d) of California Government Code section 11015.5) about users to any third party 未经用户事先书面许可,除非在狭窄的情况下涉及 可能违反《菠菜网lol正规平台》第502条或法律授权的行为(包括 but not limited to the Information Practices Act), or to assist another state agency or public law enforcement organization in any case where the security of a network operated by a state agency has been, or is suspected of having been, breached.

We fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying those who use our 网站 or services for illegal activities. We may report to law enforcement agencies any activities that we in good faith believe to be unlawful. Release of your personal 如本通知所述,向任何个人或实体提供用于安全目的的信息; including, without limitation, in connection with any government investigation or litigation, shall be based on a determination made solely by us, as permitted by law or, for those not in the EEA, exercising our 自由裁量权 for which you expressly grant permission to us in accordance with this Notice.

How we protect your 信息

We take reasonable physical, managerial, and technical safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of your personal 信息 against loss, unauthorized access, and illegal use or disclosure. Such personal 信息 is stored by the University in secure locations and University staff is trained on procedures for the management of personal 信息, including limitations on the release of 信息. 访问 to personal 信息 is limited to those members of the University's staff whose work requires such access. Confidential 信息 is destroyed according to the University's records retention schedule. 的 University conducts periodic reviews to ensure that proper 信息 management policies and procedures are understood 跟从.

的 security of your personal 信息 is important to us, but please remember that no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100%安全. While we strive to use commercially reasonable means to protect your 对于个人信息,我们不能保证或保证任何信息的绝对安全 you transmit to the 网站, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission of 信息, we make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the security of 我们的系统. However, please note that this is not a guarantee that such 信息 不得被访问,披露,修改或破坏我们的任何物理, technical, or managerial safeguards. While we strive to protect your personal 信息 and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any 信息 you disclose online.

We encourage all individuals to use appropriate safeguards to secure their computers 和 信息 on those computers. For additional 信息 on online privacy and security, please see the University's policies and procedures related to Information Security [pdf]; you may also consult with the California Attorney General's 隐私 Enforcement and Protection website.

如果个人信息因安全漏洞而泄露, we will promptly investigate and notify those persons whose personal 信息 has been compromised in accordance with the notification procedures set forth in the CSU Information Security Policy, or as otherwise required by applicable law.

Links to Other Websites

We are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our 网站或其中包含的信息或内容,我们也不做任何保证 express or implied, concerning the content of any such site, including the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of them for any particular purpose, nor do we warrant that any such site or content is free from any claims of copyright, trademark, or other infringement of the rights of third parties, or that any such site or content is devoid of viruses or other contamination. We may provide links to other websites to you solely as a convenience, 和 inclusion of linked sites does not imply endorsement by the University or CSU of any of the linked sites. 请 remember that when you use a link to go from our 网站 to another website, our Notice is no longer in effect. Your browsing and interaction on any other website, including 那些在我们的网站上有链接的,受该网站自己的规则和政策的约束. 请 read over those rules and policies before proceeding. We do not ensure the security of your personal 信息 if you visit websites not belonging to CSU, nor are we the data controller for any 信息 collected on those sites unless we specifically state so. We further reserve the right to terminate a link to a third party site at any time.

访问 and choice

We comply with all applicable regulations regarding data retention and deletion of 个人资料及个人资料只保留在必要时履行 它被收集的目的(包括学院的运作),为了战略 planning, and to comply with applicable laws and retention requirements. 你可以问 to review, update or make changes to the personal 信息 we maintain about you, or exercise your option of having your personal 信息 discarded without reuse or distribution, by sending a written request to the postal or email address set out 下面. We may take a reasonable period of time to respond. If you request the deactivation 或者我们系统上的信息发生变化,这些信息可能会保留在我们的备份中 systems for a period of time subject to technology restrictions, or as a precaution against systems failures. 一些 信息 may be retained for longer periods as required by law, contract or auditing requirements or as otherwise described in this Notice.

You have the option to decline providing 信息 about yourself online and may use other methods, such as U.S. mail, to respond to requests for 信息 or to communicate with us. You may use the contact 信息 listed 下面 to ask about additional alternatives to providing or obtaining 信息 through use of our 网站.

By providing us your email address, you consent to our use of your email address to send you Site and service-related notices, including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail. We may also use your email address to send you other messages, including, but not limited to, newsletters, 信息 on campus activities, programs and events, legal updates, changes to features of our 网站 or services, or other account 信息. Where required by law, we will obtain your consent before sending you specific types of email or other communications.

您可以通过使用说明“退订”来选择不接收我们的此类电子邮件 in any email you receive from us, or by sending a written request to the postal or email address set out 下面. It may take up to thirty (30) business days for us to process your request. This will not stop us from sending emails about your account or your transactions with us, or any other service-related email. Opting out does not affect our communications with you via teleph一个 or mail nor does it affect our use of your non-personally identifiable 信息 as described in this Notice.

EEA Data Subject Rights

If you are an individual located in the EEA only, you have certain rights with regard to your personal data collected while you are in the EEA. 这些 rights may include 查阅权,更正权,被遗忘权,限制处理权 对您可识别的个人信息,有权通知相关变更/删除/处理 limits, right to data portability, right to objection, right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, and right to withdraw consent. 一些 of these rights are restricted by law to 信息 that was collected on the basis of explicit consent, or are restricted by other conditions (such as necessity for contract or to comply with the law). You have the right to contact us in connection with the exercise of your rights under applicable EEA law, which you can do through the contact 信息 下面, or by sending an email to We will respond to your written request without unreasonable delay and in accordance with any deadlines imposed by law. Unless we notify you at the time of your request, we will not charge you any fee in connection with the exercise of your rights. If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to complain to or seek advice from a supervisory authority and/or bring a claim against us in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Changes to Our 隐私 Notice

We reserve the right to modify this Notice at any time. It is our policy to provide 通知,无论此类通知是法律要求的还是用于其他操作的 purposes, to you via email notice, written or hard copy notice, or through conspicuous posting of such notice on our 网站 page, as determined by the University in its sole 自由裁量权. We reserve the right to determine the form and means of providing notifications to you, provided that you may opt out of certain means of notification as described in this Notice. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date active and deliverable email address for you, and for periodically visiting our 网站 and this Notice to check for any changes.

For changes to our 隐私 Notice, it is our policy to post any changes we make on 这个页面. 的 date the Notice was last revised is identified at the top of the page. We will provide notice on the 网站, or at, prior to the effective date of any change. Your continued use of the 网站 after any change in this Notice will constitute your acceptance of such change.


If you have any questions about this Notice or the practices of our 网站, you may contact us by writing to