访问我们的 财政援助和奖学金办公室 浏览最新资料、工作坊及常见问题解答.



  • 我是一名国际学生. 我可以上开放大学吗?

    If you are studying at 菠菜网lol正规平台 with an F or J student visa, any courses taken through 开放大学 will not count toward the full time enrollment required for maintaining 您的签证状态. If you have questions, please visit the Office of International student and Scholar and Services Office or call 408-924-5920.

    International students who are academically disqualified must see an International 在开放大学注册之前担任学生顾问.

  • COVID-19疫苗要求是什么?
    All students enrolled in an in-person or hybrid class must submit their vaccination 状态. 检查一般情况 COVID-19疫苗接种 学生健康中心网站上的要求.
  • 如何注册课程?
    请浏览 My菠菜网lol正规平台教程 为一步一步的指导.
  • 我可以在截止日期后再加一门课吗?

    You can add a course provided your meet the prerequisite requirements and the instructor 在注册表上签名. 填写“延迟注册”表格(DocuSign) 组成部分.

    Late enrollment requires instructor, chair or program director and Associate Dean 批准. 学生 indicate the name and email of the approvers in the spaces listed 正确路由表单. Instructions to fill out the form are on the first page.

    If classes are dropped due to non-payment after the deadline to drop, and you are wish to re-enroll, all the courses should be added back.

  • 我的学费什么时候到期?
  • 我怎样付款??
    请到财务处查询 付款方式. For instructions on how to pay and set up direct deposit, see 教程 了解更多信息.
  • 是否提供经济援助??

    是的. 圣何塞州立大学 offers limited financial aid, which may consist of 助学金和/或斯塔福德贷款. 这些基金有很多限制, 它们概述如下. 访问 the 财政援助和奖学金办公室 website for 额外的信息. Refer to the Financial Aid office for 额外的信息.

    学生 是必需的 to register with a minimum of half-time units of attendance 在这所大学有资格获得经济援助. 学生必须被录取 on a regular basis to the University AND be enrolled at 菠菜网lol正规平台.


    • 必须是上海外国语大学录取的学生.
    • Must have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application 并提交了所有证明文件.
    • Must be enrolled in the minimum number of units required: at least half time (6 total (本科).
    • Applicants must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress.

    The amount and type of financial aid you will be eligible for will depend on many factors, including grade level, need, and the total number of units that you are enrolled 在这学期. As an undergraduate student, you are eligible to receive federal financial aid only for enrollment in the special session courses. 联邦援助计划 include the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Grant, Federal Perkins Loan and 直接斯塔福德贷款. However, if you are also enrolled in regular courses your award will be calculated based on the combination of all units which may qualify for 收到额外的经济援助. 如果你不确定你的确切情况, you can discuss it with the 财政援助和奖学金办公室. 所有资金和 awards are based on federal and state budgets and legislature changes. 奖是 可随时更改.

    Prior to registering for classes, you should see a Financial Aid Counselor. 工作人员 member at the counter will review your overall financial aid eligibility and have you complete all required paperwork needed to process your financial aid. 你会 be notified of your revised award via your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account, if applicable. 任何缺口 not covered by financial aid is the responsibility of the student.

    访问 the 财政援助和奖学金办公室 website for 额外的信息.

    The 财政援助和奖学金办公室 is located in the Student Services Center (SSC), first floor, on the corner of 9th and San Fernando Street.

  • 我怎样才能取得成绩单?
    要订购正式成绩单,请填写 申请成绩单表格 或访问注册主任办公室的网站.
  • 我如何放弃一门课程?
    Complete the drop process either by dropping the course online through your My菠菜网lol正规平台 帐户或申请放弃一门课程. 所有审批签名/权限 是必需的. Leaving a course without authorization will result in a Withdrawal Unauthorized (WU),相当于“F”级.
  • 我可以退课并获得退款吗?

    Since classes offered through Academic 项目 start on different dates during the semester, they do not follow the same refund calendar as the regular session. 请 按照下面的时间表: 

    •  学生 who officially drop the course by the third calendar day of the class will 获得100%退款
    • 在第四个日历日:75%退款
    • 在第5个日历日:50%退款
    • 第6个日历日:25%退款
    • 从第7天开始:0%退款.

    学生 are responsible for dropping their class officially. 当学生掉队时 class officially, their account will show class 状态 as "Drop" or "W" grade. 失败 to attend may not result in students being dropped from a class automatically. 失败 to drop a course officially generates a failing grade of “F” or Withdrawal Unauthorized (WU)和费用将记入学生的账户.

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