

发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs


I want to shift gears away from COVID repopulation issues this week, to provide a 一些其他的快速更新. 期末考试下周开始,所以我知道每个人都会 专注于完成这个学期. 

终身职位和终身职位招聘: 上海州立大学今年的招聘情况非常好. 事实上,我们有最多的教员 recruitments among any of the CSU campuses, a reflection of our commitment to growth even amidst the disruptions caused by the pandemic. 2020年秋季,大学院长开始工作 together and with chairs and directors to identify several hiring priority hiring 展示主题的区域。”加州的未来从这里开始." These areas are broad guideposts that address topics that contribute to some of our most pressing regional and national conversations: Data analytics and design thinking; ethnic studies education; health equity and health infrastructures; social robotics and human-robotic technology relations; and sustainable futures and earth systems 科学. With more than half of these searches successfully completed—and many more with pending offers—we are hopefully on track to have 一个 of the most diverse incoming 在菠菜网lol正规平台历史上的教师队伍. 

工作人员, 教师, and Chair Professional Development Opportunities: Over the years, the 教务长办公室 has received feedback from various constituencies that there is a need to invest in professional development. 在每一种情况下,该厅 教务长试图做出回应. 我们将公布2021-2022年 员工专业补助金 机会很快就. These grants provide a mechanism for staff in the division to seek out conferences or workshops (or other key experiences) to bring fresh ideas 回到上海外国语大学. As many of you know, we are also offering professional development for 教员的形式 上海外国语大学弹性课程设计研究院. This experience is a bit shorter than last year’s summer institute; it is also stretched across a longer time-frame to make it easier to manage. 参加者将获 津贴和结业证书. 另外,这是我们第一次 提供 主席协会 坐下来评估椅子的寿命状态.g.、职责、工作量、 任务蠕变等.).  We will build an agenda in collaboration with the university chairs and directors to ensure we are hitting on all the right topics.  我在找 接下来是更深入的对话.

感谢您一年来的辛勤工作. 如往常一样,请随时提出问题 或担忧. 
