
What is the 退休前时间基数缩减(PRTB) program?

The PRTB program allows eligible faculty to work less than full time while still earning full service credit toward retirement for up to five years prior to taking retirement. This program affords faculty a transition period whereby they move from full-time 就业转为全职退休. 

To compare PRTB to another transitional program, also see 教师提前退休计划(FERP).

See CFA-CSU协定第30条[pdf] for more information.

Eligibility for PRTB

Tenured faculty who are at least 55 years of age and not yet 65 years of age at the time they request entry into PRTB (or not yet 64 years of age if a member of STRS) are eligible to enter the program if they satisfy the following conditions: 

  • The faculty member has worked full-time in the CSU for at least ten (10) years AND
  • They have been employed full-time continuously for the five (5) years immediately 在进入PRTB项目之前.


Additional information